Monday, December 29, 2008

My Last Post

Was totally gay. I wonder if I need to be more cautious with what I say considering my parents are the only ones who read this...seriously they have this bookmarked and everything.

I totally called into Atheist Experience and I was nervous like no other cause I'm lame like that. I'm listening to it right now and I'm surprised that I wasn't going um uhh but I kind of sound like Kent Hovind if anyone's been so lucky to hear his voice. Here's a link to the MP3 I'm on the very last six minutes, kinda. Pretty much I'm surprised I didn't sound as nervous and incoherent as I felt but I definitely need to work on clarity and speaking faster. The clarity part would have gotten more productive feedback with respect to Matt's response because I think he misinterpreted my question. However that was not his fault at all and I shoulda just called in earlier.

I'm thinking of calling into some creationists radio shows tomorrow, I've decided that I need to kind of throw myself into the arguing fire and attempting to out-argue people who essentially get paid to defend their convictions looks to be the perfect flames to jump into.

Plus I can hear recordings of myself after the fact and hopefully better myself not only in arguing but being able to assert a concise and coherent position in a setting which has me under pressure...

I think I'll end this hear cause I need to look up what's up with these creationist shows.

Joe Creason

Monday, December 8, 2008

Dear Cute Girl who came up to Ask an atheist last Tuesday,

Come back! You were cute. Well I guess we're not doing the ask an atheist thing during the finals...but that just means you need to hang out near the physics building or math sciences or pretty much anywhere I have to stay at studying all day...

You knew what Bonobos are, that's hot and bad ass dammit.

How's this for a post, eh?

Joe Creason