Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Officially a Science Major

1. So today I got an email from my department telling me that my major was officially changed from an Anthropology BA, to Anthropology BS. So yeah, it feels cool to be a science major officially on paper, and even more so in blog announcement-dom.

2. I figured that now is the best time to state what the hell my blog title means and what I want to do with my major, but I don't think I have enough time at the moment. I will give a brief summary and elaborate later.

3. I want to study primatology and or paleoanthropology. The two are complimentary of course since both have primates no matter what, in there as a proxy. But specific to my blog title, I want to study Red Colobus Monkeys.

4. Here is a wikipedia article on the Western RC,

5. More later!
Joe Creason

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Dropping a Duece with Adolf

Moments ago I went to use the College Library restroom and saw a book resting above one of the sinks on the island of sinks in the middle of the room. That book only had in a neat reddish-orange lined box, HITLER visible.

I won't say anymore, I would ruin what I experienced if I did...

Joe Creason